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[RADIX] Product Info & Event Teleport Kiosk

[RADIX] Product Info & Event Teleport Kiosk

[RADIX] Product Info & Event Teleport Kiosk - Use this kiosk to display your event product offerings at your store. The kiosk can give out demo object, notecard, texture, & event landmark. The Teleport function will display event map on touch. Easy to use, you can just put promo items to the kiosk and it just works.

100% Original Mesh - Material Enabled - 1 LI - Script Included - Display Event Location Map on Touch - Give out Demo Object, Info Notecard, Product Photo Texture, & Event Location Landmark

To see the material settings, shininess, and reflection, you will need to have Advanced Lightning Model & Shadows Settings enabled in your viewer. It can be done in Preferences -> Graphics. Check in the box [x] Advanced Lightning Model and Select Shadows Options as Sun/Moon + Projectors. Then Apply settings.

[▪ ▫ FEATURES ▫ ▪]
1. [RADIX] Product Info & Event Teleport Kiosk ~ 1 LI
2. 100% Original Mesh - Material Enabled - Script Included
3. Display Event Location Map on Touch
4. Give out Demo Object, Info Notecard, Product Photo Texture, & Event Location Landmark

1. [RADIX] Product Info & Event Teleport Kiosk - 1 LI (modifiable except scripts)
2. instruction notecard
3. landmarks

Modify - Copy - No Transfer (scripts are no mod)

**Note: The script inside the kiosk is non-modifiable. Therefore, the kiosk may appear to be non-modifiable in your inventory. This is because the scripts are no mod. However, you can still resize or modify the kiosk after you have rezzed it on the floor.

[▪ ▫ HOW TO USE? ▫ ▪]
1) Rez the kiosk and resize it the way you want by using default Edit Object tool of your viewer

2) Drop Event logo and Product Photo on the kiosk

3) Put the Event Landmark (required), demo object (optional), info notecard (optional), product texture (optional) to the kiosk inventory

** NOTE: if you link the kiosk to another object, the script will stop working. In that case, you will need to use your own script to make it works the way you want.


[▪ ▫ TELEPORT ▫ ▪]
Check Satus Udimo's picks for latest and updated landmarks of Main Store and Branch Stores

**RADIX Main Store**


Teleport Hub - One Stop for All Second Life(R) Freebies, Group Gifts, Promotion, and Events

**Useful Links**
*Freebies: http://www.teleporthub.com
*Hunts: http://www.teleporthub.com/hunts/
*Hunt Calendar: http://www.teleporthub.com/hunt-calendar/
*Events: http://www.teleporthub.com/events/

Thank You!


  • [RADIX] Product Info & Event Teleport Kiosk ~ 1 LI
  • 100% Original Mesh - Material Enabled - Script Included
  • Display Event Location Map on Touch
  • Give out Demo Object, Info Notecard, Product Photo Texture, & Event Location LM