This hairstyles are created with Alphas.
EXCLUSIVE Pack includes:
Hair in all available sizes
Naturals and Colors pack HUDs (200 colors)
Hair Styler HUD with Animations
Button Settings includes:
Color Tint Picker
Materials option on/off (5 materials to choose)
Full Bright on/off
Glow on/off
Accessories Recolors at Settings Tab (if includes in hairstyle)
A new sizing system is now available in 16 sizes (for Lelutka Evo, Lelutka Evo X, Catwa Pro and Genus heads). For each head size, there are chest sizes such as: Petite, Medium, Plus Size and Kupra.
Don't forget that we have very beautiful ANIMATIONS with hair styles and you can play with them ❤
with love ♥
team RAMA
no mody/copy/no transf
If you want to buy this product 10% discount, you have the option of making a purchase in the Mainstore.
If you leave a review for our product on the marketplace, then you can return 15% of the cost of the product you purchased (In order to return 15% of the cost of the product, you need to write a review on your behalf and send a notecard with a link to the review of Katarina Monk in the world Second Life)
Please try a demo before purchase :)
THANK YOU for shopping at RAMA.SALON!
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- ramasalon
- hair
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- fittedmesh
The best brand of hair in market: 10/10 quality , 10/10 color , 10/10 styles
Love it!
It's so hard to pick between the Kylee hair and the Kimmy hair so... I bought both. I love them both. They look great, the scripting is great, the alphas work great. Sure, the exclusive pack is a little more cost but, you get more, you pay more, that's how it works. This hair is some of the best in SL and I HIGHLY recommend it.
absolutly amazing hair. the naturals are beautiful with the root option!
Its nice
I just wish the chromatic pack was in there because i most definitely did not see it.