G General

Release Gravity

Release Gravity

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Attach the release gravity, type "/1g" and a menu will drop down allowing you to choose 5 gravity rates.

0% = No Gravity
20% = 20% Gravity
50% = 50% Gravity
80% = 80% Gravity
100% = Normal Gravity

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Can't get it to work
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted June 07, 2017 by karl1998

The only thing I've bane able to make it do, is say "Setting Gravity Rate to 100%". That's not very useful, is it?

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No menu
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted August 03, 2016 by Khymeira

Kept trying it for a while but I was not able to get a menu to come up to change anything. :( So it doesn't work for me.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 04, 2016 by alitldream

foo fun for role play space!!!

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Free but..
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted October 22, 2012 by EscapistEve

It is hard to argue free. But tell me what the bling/mist has anything to do with anti-gravity. With no option to turn it off and no access to the script, this is a crippled product. The anti-gravity works great, mind you, but the bling is an inefficient, lag-inducing addition to an item you'd least expect ever seeing bling added to..I can either wait to find a free HUD in-world (I've seen them around) or edit/move the attachment beneath or above me several meters, but that is just silly to even have to do. The name of this store is called "Party Particle" and it is a rather nice sort of bling, in the way that it looks misty and not cheap. But my antigravity HUD isn't something I always remember to take with me to parties, and partying isn't what I had in mind when I decided to find a simple gravity HUD. This is a utility; not jewelry.

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