This is a demonstration product only.
Sexy platform heels in 20 demonstration colours with 5 optional textures for each (Patent Leather, Leather, Denim, Carbon Fibre, Snakeskin) and 3 optional lace textures (Rose, Floral, Fishnet). The platform shoes come with a lace upper section and an optional transparent base. With many customisable options though the hud, you can make it almost look how ever you want.
These shoes are designed to work with the following mesh avatars:
Slink High
Slink C&C
Maitreya Lara
eBody Reborn
These shoes come with a powerful HUD which enables you to do the following:
• Change the texture of the straps (Carbon Fibre, Denim, Leather, Patent Leather, Snakeskin)
• Change the texture of the platform (Carbon Fibre, Denim, Leather, Patent Leather, Snakeskin)
• Change the colour of the shoe base (20 colour options available)
• Change the colour of the shoe sole (20 colour options available)
• Change the colour of the shoe to lace connections (20 colour options available)
• Change the colour of the metal buckles & eyelets (8 colour options available)
• Change the colour of the metal lace eyelets (8 colour options available)
• Change the colour of the metal heel tip (8 colour options available)
• Change the colour of the boot logo (20 colours)
• Alter the glow amount of the logo
• Alter the glow amount of the metal buckles & eyelets
• Alter the glow amount of the metal lace eyelets
• Alter the glow amount of the metal heel tip
• Turn the logo on / off
• Change the walking volume of the boot sound
• Change the lace options from 3 styles (Rose, Fishnet, Floral) and 3 colours for each (White, Black & Boot Matching Colour)
• Turn the platform transparent
• Alter the transparency amount of the shoe
• Alter various lighting effects (Customising the shine and environment effect, turning on / off full bright, turning off the advanced lighting effect entirely)
The fatpack also gives you the ability to change the colour of the shoe between 20 preset styles, change the colour of the platform of the shoe, the straps and choose between 20 different colours for the lace elements.
Please note that these shoe are designed to be used with the advanced lighting model. While many aspects of the textures depicted has been baked onto the shoe texture, to get the best out of the Second Life environment, these shoes look at their best (and most like the picture depicted in the preview) which using this lighting model. For this reason, it is strongly advised to try the demo before you purchase, the image of this boot may be different to what you experience in the Second Life environment.
The colours / styles included with this shoe are:
Dark Blue
Dark Green
Dark Red
Light Pink
Lime Green
Sky Blue
- Demo of Rose Platform Heels
- Compatible with Maitreya, Slink, Belleza, Legacy, Inithium, eBody Reborn & more
- 5 different texture options for shoe, 3 for Lace parts
- Powerful HUD with many other options
- Specular and Material effects