Riders RK Gems - Pear Cut - Mesh - Regular & Nano with Mounts Etc.
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And now for something completely different!
***RK Gems***
RK Gems are a Mesh Gem designed to use SL's texture parameter settings to provide a natural gem refraction
appearance. There was no texture used in this listings pic and the image was taken inworld. Although stunning
results can be achieved using textures. Each gem has up to 8 texture-able faces to apply different texture
parameter settings. This is a large kit including 3 Gems, 42 mounts as well as 4 helpful tools.
Heart GEM
1. Standard Mesh Objects
` a. Gems -
`` *(A) Full Shape (visible lower half)
`` *(B) Full Shape (solid lower half)
`` *(C) Half Shape (low profile)
` b. Mounts -
`` *(4ea) Full Shape Mounts
`` *(8ea) Low Profile Mounts
2. Nano Mesh Objects
` a. Gems -
`` *(A) Full Shape (visible lower half)
`` *(B) Full Shape (solid lower half)
`` *(C) Half Shape (low profile)
` b. Mounts -
`` *(4ea) Full Shape Mounts
`` *(8ea) Low Profile Mounts
3. Standard Sculpt Objects -
` a. Mounts -
`` *(5ea) Full Shape Mounts
`` *(4ea) Low Profile Mounts
4. Nano Sculpt Objects -
` a. Mounts -
`` *(5ea) Full Shape Mounts
`` *(4ea) Low Profile Mounts
` b. Sculpt Nano Ball
5. Scripts -
` a. Parent to Child Texture Copy
` b. Side Finder
6. Textures -
` a. Mount Key
` b. Sculpt Nano Ball
7. Note Cards -
` a. Instruction NC
` b. Purchasing Agreement
Advanced level building experience is recommended but not required. Working with Mesh and Nano Mesh is
very different than working with Prims, Sculpts and Nano Sculpts. Some techniques that work with Sculpt will not
work with Mesh. Included is an Instruction NC where I do provide in detail some differences and solutions that
I have found when working with the mesh gems.
* When you purchase this product you are agreeing to the following terms.
* The full perm mesh included are not to be repacked, resold or gifted without being part of a larger build.. including, dropping the mesh of mesh sets alone, even to friends.
* You may not redistribute this product with the combination of copy/transfer permissions in any format.
* You are allowed to use the Mesh fonts in your own builds/creations and post your builds/creations for sale on the marketplace or the Second Life Grid if
Permissions are [[copy/modify/NO transfer]], [[copy/No Transfer]] or [[NO Copy/transfer (Linked as part of a build!)]]
IT IS EASILY TRACKED! & any violation of these terms will result in a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) Notification being filed against you.
DMCA notifications can result in your account being banned from Second Life.
Offending items can be removed from both your own, and your customers inventories.
And you may be charged in a USA court under Federal laws and if convicted, be subject to penalties of up to $500,000 and/or five years in jail.
*****Don"t Steal*****
Frankly disgusted with this product
The picture looks fantastic and also large size gem, but as soon as you reduce glare and loses all becomes white and opaque, or as much silver.
assumes q is a diamond, you have to have transparency and does not. and when reduced, even shine.
and if I try to put transparency, is within the manufacturer's logo.
Never put bad reviews, always contact the seller and ask for help, but after several failed online and the attempts being not even answer me I have no choice but to warn future customers here.
Only 3 stars
This creator is usually doing high quality work, but not this time. The texture areas look disconnected and fragmentary. There is no way to texture this properly.