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Rustica - Nettlestone House Version New

Rustica - Nettlestone House

Nettlestone House.

The second of my houses designed for those with a smaller prim and linden budget, The Nettlestone weighs in at a very low 143 prims. While lower in prims than usual, the complexity of the post & beam vernacular style and design of the individual parts places this house firmly alongside the others in upholding the rustica tradition of quality design and attention to detail. It is also viewable and available from the house rezzer at the island on the SW corner @ Rustica:


This house contains a variety of bonus features and items as well as functionality rarely found in such an economical structure. The focus on detail and craftsmanship includes:

• Sculpted wall beams with stone wall base, not flat prims with a texture
• Sculpted House Djinns on each side of the fireplace mantel to control window textures, transparency and floor textures (5 window and 6 different floor textures which can be changed by clicking them)
• Dual stone fireplaces with a functional chimney. (click hearth to turn on or off the chimney smoke)
• Post and beam/plaster construction over stone foundation, beamed ceiling
• 1-off and baked texture work throughout
• Opening front and back doors with sound
• BONUS: Add-on sculpted, snowy roof with icicles which can be placed over the existing roof to match winter themes.
• Additional items include two fires, coals, fire grate, rug and broom to instantly make your house a home.

The house is COPIABLE, other items in the set are COPY or COPY/MOD. None are transferable.

See item in Second Life
  • Low 143 prims, 25x30 footprint
  • change window, floor textures, turn on/off smoke
  • bonus snow roof for winter themes
  • opening door with sound
  • bonus rug, broom and fire with on/off switch