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SEKAI - Engagement Ring - Blue

SEKAI - Engagement Ring - Blue

Thank you for Taking interest in SEKAI - Engagement Ring
IMPORTANT: Please try Demo First!

Refunds are only given for double purchases.
The item is Copy/ Mod/ No Transfer (Demo is no Mod)

Ring box

How to use: Add the item to your avatar, Click on the box, Choose who you want to propose to, if they say yes you will both receive rigged rings for Reborn /Maitreya /LegacyM /LegacyF Gianni /Jake /Belleza Xgen in Silver and in Gold!

An interactive engagement box that you can propose with to your loved one or use for fun!
HUD - For ring colors and placing your own texture's uuid or hiding the text part
Rigged Rings for Reborn/Maitreya/LegacyM/LegacyF/Gianni/Jake/Belleza Xgen both silver and gold
You can tint the ring holder part inside the box!
You can tint the diamond!
You can use our template to write your own text on top of the ring box

HUD with 11 Colors + EXTRA HUD 5 Flower Textured boxes
Including a white Texture for custom colors

Example: https://gyazo.com/49eff7474e3117762bef0c4c5991b018

Mod | Copy

For any problems encountered with any one of our products please contact

See item in Second Life