The SHX Staff Boards are highly customizable and clear, capable of showing the online status of your staff, makes it possible to one-click send a message, record online times, number of messages and the time online in the same region.
Statistics of time online per staff member and the amount of messages they received can optionally be send to Email on a daily basis.
Version 2.0: now fully mesh / even easier in usage with auto-profile image fetch
* Features
29 Land Impact
- Up to 3, 5 or 8 staff members listed (depends on type)
- Shows avatar image (is customizable)
- Shows online status
- Shows avatar name (N types only)
- Shows avatar description/role
- Top and Bottom image is customizable, examples included: Support Staff, Club Staff, Management
- Records time online per staff member daily
- Records time online in the same region per staff member daily
- Records amount of messages received daily
- Timezone can be set to regulate optional midnight report to Email
- 15 selectable fonts
- 14 selectable color themes
- Manager list to give full access to other people
- Access selectable (owner, group etc.)
- Updatable
- SRC Receiver compatible (for retrieving a list of Managers)
- SHX Kuler compatible
- See details