Why -(SP) Soho -black- ? Cause it underlines what a perfect woman is. Classy, feminine, illustrious, proud and soo desirable. Just like you are.
content :
.: Soho Pants -black-
.: sculpted Pant Cuffs (resize)
.: Soho Shirt - on all Layer -
.: sculpted Sleeve (resize)
.: sculpted Collar (resize)
.: Bra
all black/red/white .....
..... and Copy & Mody
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Very nice Business Outfit
still a good product in 2014, I really Like it.
It's my "basic everyday look" and first folder "Ready Mix and Match Business Outfit".
nice :)
Very Versatile
if you need to wear business type clothes this is a great looking mix and a great price
I love this. Super elegant, yet sexy as all get out. And very versatile as is everything at Secret Passion.
ohne worte einfach klasse mit vielen *****************************