~~~ V. Chain Digigrade Leggings ~~~
These Leggings / Boots / Warmers are not the rigged mesh type that you need a specific avatar to wear. Universal, unisex, unrigged leggings.
Built using mesh, sculpts and prims. All unrigged so they can be worn by any avatar or gender that needs a pair of digigrade leggings.
Will fit right over most digi legs with little to no editing so just unpack and add them and start showing off your style.
I can't stess enough how there is no need to figure out if they are compatable for your avatar or not because these are wearable by any avatar, species or whatever including full mesh avatars.
Easily fits over any Aventity digileg or just detach your legs and wear them with just your feet.
Comes Copy and Mod so you can easily change color to fit your look and theme.
I love em.
Frankly i didn't get them to fit what i originally wanted, but i decided to pull them out to use with an avatar today. a bit of minor fitting and they fit my belleza body + caboodle legs w/ some tiny clipping. they look great!
I was using a FLEXE body with DSD LE wolf legs. Fit with absolutely zero fiddling. It was awesome.
They are nicely made, they are super customize able and perfect for any avatar that doesn't fit the typical body type, however it's worth mentioning that these come already at the smallest size you can make them without having to edit every individual part or putting a resize script in them so if you are shorter than say 6 foot be ready to do a lot of modding but it's still not terribly hard to do. Good product over all.