Group of 2 hottub makers scripts, through which you showing the creator of the sculpt.
Each scripts deletes itself after built the sculpt, and does not impose a predetermined size (you can also apply them to megaprims).
- 2 sculpt scripts
- linked example
- water anim script
- water texture
- istructions.
- rez a box;
- add the script inside the content tab (right click, edit, content tab). Script deletes itself after built the sculpt;
- resize and texturize as you prefer;
- done.
©Inside Studio, 2010. All rights reserved.
You can use these sculpts ONLY as part of your creation.
IS NOT ALLOWED sell or distribute these sculpts both copy and transf permissions, as freebie and/or as part of a Business in a box.
This item is licensed to be used within Second Life only. IS NOT ALLOWED to export it in other grids.
Infingments of these terms of use will be subjected to DMCA.
no interest
mesh no texture sample water absent
tub ok but water is just rotation
makes me dizzy cant use it.. just rotates around and around.. the tub is ok though