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Sintiklia - Hair Katryn - Blacks&whites Version 1.0

Sintiklia - Hair Katryn - Blacks&whites

Highly recommended to try the DEMO before buy full versions! Try with AO, clothing, heads, breasts and etc.
<<<<There are no refunds to people who did not try DEMO>>>>>

Rigged version and 2 breast sizes in each pack.
8 variants of hair in HUD + hide option for hat(the you can use anoter hat if you have).
Hat has color huds+tint options.
Hat also included in unrigged version if yo uneed to wear with another hairstyles.
Tint option for hair included to each hud.

Hair is MODIFY(no modify is just script)! You can delete scripts or add fullbright\glow and etc with Edit option to it manually.

Included colors please see on images (try DEMO to see them before purchase)

Read notecard which is included about hair if you have some problems and if you will or need more information.

Contact me if you have problems, which are not described or you got with hair.

Redelivery you can make inworld store or in
Marketplace » My account » My order history » Invoice - Redeliver item

See item in Second Life