Invite-on-Rez script sends a direct group invitation when buyer rez your box. Optional Instant Message can be sent as well.
You need to have a SmartBots subscription to deliver invitations! Price is from L$79 per week:
The script is open-source, you should modify it to set your group details.
You don't need any scripting knowledge to use the script:
1. Set GROUP_NAME variable to your group name
2. Set SECURITY_CODE to your group security code (see
3. Set optional MESSAGE and FORCE
4. Save the script and close it
5. IMPORTANT: right-click the script in your inventory and REMOVE MODIFY permission.
That's all. Just drop the script to your boxes, and all buyers will get an invitation on rez.
See item in Second Life View Video »- Invite buyers to the group when they rez a box
- Send optional Instant Messagge
Pretty good alrounder
i dont know what do says it dose what you want it to and with me liking php and lsl iv used smartbots for years to send invites, messages, notices and many more needless to day i am still a customer
Smartbots is the best
I love the bots I have and this invite script is a great tool. Thank you for the quality you put into all your products
Thats a really great Script, i use it in all my boxes and it just works. Great!
By far the best!
SmartBots group services are beyond the best, and with add-on products like this makes owning a business in secondlife a breeze. From the simple invites to the full on support bot services they offer! Hope to see more api scripting come available on marketplace
does what it says ty smartbots and at a fair price too