Thank you for your interest in this AGEIRA product. The Sovereign RP line is a series of high quality builds intended for Trek RP. It features many areas of a Sovereign class starship. Each component makes use of unique sculpted parts, as well as customized texturing to ensure a realistic and functional RP environment. The vast majority of components are provided as copy/mod, so you have the opportunity to further improve and expand your ship.
Some components, such as the turbolifts, transporters or replicators are not provided by the AGEIRA corporation. We recommend the use of Novatech products for turbolifts, transporters and replicators..
Sovereign Class Bridge Set
The Bridge is the brain of every ship, and the place where the Captain and the Bridge crew make split second decisions that affect both the fate of the ship, its crew, as well as, in some cases, history itself.
This set includes the bridge module itself, complete with a functional viewscreen, alert system, as well as 3 additional rezzers:
-The CO's Ready Room
-The XO's Ready Room
-Amphitheater/Briefing Room multirezzer
The set has a primcount of 381 prims when fully rezzed. The footprint of the build is 47 x 47 meters when fully rezzed.
Does not include turbolifts and replicator scripts.
See item in Second Life- Sculpted parts
- Working Viewscreen and Alert System
- CO and XO offices
- Amphitheatre/Briefing room