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Stargate Warbug Shell Special(boxed) Version 1

Stargate Warbug Shell Special(boxed)

Stargate Warbug Shell Special
• Contains all the Stargate Themed Warbug Shells as of 8/5/2012, You receive 5 for the price of 3! Enjoy.
• Special thanks to Arduenn Schwartzman for creating warbugs.

• Contains
o WarBug Goa'uld Mothership Shell(boxed)
o WarBug Goa'uld Missile Mothership Shell(boxed)
o F-302 Warbug Shell(Boxed)
o F-302 Missile Warbug Shell(Boxed)
o Wraith Dart Warbug Shell(Boxed)

  • Contains all the Stargate Themed Warbug Shells as of 8/5/2012,
  • You receive 5 for the price of 3! Enjoy.
  • Special thanks to Arduenn Schwartzman for creating warbugs.