The Type 100 is our flagship TARDIS, featuring mesh forms, easier setup and advanced effects. For less expensive models, see the Type 70, Type 55, Type 40, and Type 9 3/4 in my shop.
A new standard in time machines, the Type 100 features a real, working chameleon circuit, improved flight, TCS combat system, and much more! You can even resize it on the fly for a perfect fit. Shrink it to half-size for Tinies, make it 3x larger for giant robots, or shrink it to 1/10th and use it as a remote controlled toy!
Included are 5 forms (Smith, Police Box, Pub Stool, Statue, SIDRAT) with multiple skins, 5 console rooms, and 5 platforms.
Included console rooms are the Interocitor, Tom Baker's wooden console room, the Rani's console room, and the original Classic. Platforms include the builder's platform, a spooky graveyard, and a large outdoor garden.
Not only can the TARDIS rez console rooms, but each room can rez more, creating an ever-expanding network of corridors, rooms, consoles, and platforms. When you're finished, freeze your build for permanent use, or derez your TTC and the whole assembly will vanish neatly.
The TTC (Time Travel Capsule) is a combination flying vehicle, transporter and portable skybox. You can fly it like a normal vehicle by sitting inside and saying "start", or click on its sides and use the menu to pilot. Once you reach your destination, another press of a button rezzes a console room, building platform, or both!
While I cannot claim time travel, this TTC will take you and your friends anywhere within the sim in grand style! All accompanied by authentic looks and sound effects.
The TTC automatically detects compatible transporter systems and TTC landing pads whenever you enter a new region. If you like, you can also use a notecard to store favorite locations in sims you may not be allowed to leave permanent landing pads. In addition to this, there is a WARP menu that lets you quickly move up, down, north, south, east or west in small increments. You can also travel randomly, just like the Doctor when he installed the randomization circuit to foil the Black Guardian in the excellent "Key to Time" season.
Other features include automated landing, defense circuitry, auto-return, custom destinations, homing beacon, landing platform, console room, two modes of travel and an option to let guests or fellow group-mates fly her.
And now, if you own emDash, you can use your TTC as a portal and poofer, traveling anywhere on the grid!
See item in Second Life- Teleport or fly anywhere
- Shape-shifting! Dozens of forms available!
- Rez complex homes on the fly
- Compatible with emDash and HORIZONS
- Works with all Novatech and HoO consoles
Hold My BEER This thing is AWESOME!
Best TARDIS experience hands down I have encountered in SL! Pair this with the EMDASH and you are unstoppable! AMAZING installation, when adding new items from Novatech the box opens automatically and an orb appears you click the orb while wearing the HUD and WALAH! Pure magic. BEST INSTALLATION EVER! There are tons of features! Read my review of the EMDASH for a list and there's more! Just get it and the EMdash, You'll be glad you did :)
Ok commence drinking, CHEERS!
Probably the best on the Grid
Mesh really brings this re-creation to life with the outstanding level of detail! Great features and the integration with the other Novatech systems makes for a cohesive Role-Play setup. I tend to leave mine rezzed at my home just to show it off.
Same as the type 70
Only has a mesh exterior the rest is the same as its predecessor , the type 70 should have gotten this as an update for free, rip off. Really disappointed.
One of the coolest gadgets in SL, hands down
If you love gadgets, you'll love this TARDIS, especially if you already have the Holodeck or Em-dash. This works flawlessly with the other Novatech gadgets. My husband and I play with this thing literally every day in SL.