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.:TS:. Happily Taken I Love U Valentine's Day Tattoo

.:TS:. Happily Taken I Love U Valentine's Day Tattoo

Hi Everyone <3 I am Snitcher :P
I am the creator of .::TS::. Twisted Snitch.

I would like to thank you for purchasing my products. Please comment / rate my items :D
This is a little something for everyone this Valentine's day if your Taken or if your Single... there are 2 versions available! This ones is for the Taken people please also look for the Single's version as well :D!

Sl MarketPlace Store:

In-World Locations:


(Locations listed above may change at any time, please consult Ying Inglewood's or Snitcher Resident's Profile picks or request a LM from either or VIA IM or Notecard.)

If there are any questions please feel free to im me in-world or leave me a notecard. Custom colours and script edits are free of charge. ( Conditions may apply, im or give me a notecard for special customs BEFORE purchase) Also visit me at a temporary location for items not available on xstreet items displayed here on xstreet are also on display in Sl ^_^.

I am a sister designer to ::FYI:: From Ying Inglewood, so please check out her stuff on the sl marketplace or browse through her blog below :3

Thanks again <3

See item in Second Life
  • Unisex Tattoo
  • Includes: Tattoo, Jacket, Shirt and Undershirt layers
  • Optional: Make-up