Thank you for your interest in Tameless Witch Outfit. With the promo price on only $10L we hope everyone can enjoy dressing up for Halloween. :)
Mesh body enhancements are NOT included with this product. This product includes applier HUDs that work with them or mesh attachments. To use the applier HUDs you must first purchase the enhancements from the merchants that sell them.
Outfit & shoes for Legacy, Bombshell & Perky, Reborn, Waifu, Maitreya Lara & Petite, LaraX & PetiteX, Kupra, Erika, GenX & Curvy
BOM gloves, panties and socks
- COPY Perms
- High quality textures
- Legacy, Reborn, Maitreya Lara, Maitreya Petite, LaraX & PetiteX
- Legacy Bombshell & Perky, Reborn Waifus, Erika, Kupra, GenX & Curvy
- BOM socks, panties & gloves