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The Fotoscope FotoView V2.0 Copy Version 2

The Fotoscope FotoView V2.0 Copy

The Fotoscope FotoView V2.0 is a fully-configurable slideshow viewer which eliminates texture-rez lag almost entirely. It will display a sequence of images with or without a transition when the images change.

Configuration settings include frame style, frame shape, frame size, time delay for each slide, transition type and transition speed.

Owners of the FotoView can easily add their own images. Pictures will rez instantly although there may be a short delay with the first few images.

Setting up the FotoView is very straighforward:
★ add textures to the FotoView
★ the slideshow will then start automatically using the default settings
★ Use the menu options to configure your slideshow

★ Frame Style - Choose from 15 styles
★ Frame Size - Choose from 0.5m to 64m
★ Image Shape - Choose from Landscape, Square, Wide or Portrait. The Landscape and Portrait shapes are set to a ratio of 3:2.

★ Delay - set the time delay before the next photo is displayed.
★ Transition Type - Choose from Crossfade, Twirl, C;ock, Vanish, Circle, Rectangle, Squeeze. You can also randomise these so a random transition is chosen every time the image changes. You may also select No Trans(ition) so images change instantly
★ Transition Speed - choose from 5 speeds - very slow to very fast.

★ Turn Fullbright On or Off
★ Pause and Resume Slideshow
★ Reset the FotoView
★ Get detailed Help

Contact Korgi Lerwick inworld if you have any queries.

Fotoscope has a reputation for producing quality products at reasonable prices. Our after-sales service is second to none and we're always happy to help.

  • User--configurable Menu-Driven, slideshow viewer
  • Choose frame style, colour, size and shape
  • Set slide duration
  • 7 transition types (choose from 5 speeds)
  • Low-lag - pictures rez instantly!