The Red Pill, further just TRP, is a project started with an idea to make a device that is able to change the avatar. The project name comes from the pill, Neo took in the film Matrix. After Neo took the red pill, his life changed completelly. Something similar should do a red pill in SL.
It should be an attachment transforming the avatar. If to a cat, a bird, a robot, or a cloud of fire. Step by step, with chat messages and running animations. Within minutes or even hours, automatically and immersive. But more important was not to develop a device for a special transformation, but to create a technology for development of such devices.
To acheive this goals, the programming of the transformation was separated from the performing it: The process is writen into a notecard as a sequence of commands. This sequence is read and executed by a script. The commands are easy to learn and allow to create new transformation scenarios or adapt existing ones.
Thus, TRP is an interpreter, reading the program notecard and executing the commands in it. Thereby it allows to develop devices running time-controlled actions, like opening doors, saing chat messages, switching light chains on and off and more.
1. Brief overwiev of TRP commands
* Chat commands: shouting, saying, whispering, private chat messages
* Flow control: if/then/else, for, while
* User interaction via dialog message
* Device control and interaction via linked message
* Adding, removing RLV restrictions and enforcing actions
* Changing avatar body parts, clothes and attachments
* Checking of using RLV and wearing clothing parts or attachments
2. Package content.
* TRP Scripts
* License notecards
* Help notecard with embedded notecards: User manual, tutorial, language specification, and TRP API in english and german.
* Tutorial items
* Landmark to the JFS main store
* Script for product updates and Keyholder device, already load with it
3. Script permissions
The interpreter scripts are sold with permisions copy, no-mod, transfer. As long the permissions remain so, the scripts are not runable. To 'activate' them, the next owner permissions of the scripts should be reduced to either no-copy or no-transfer. This will not prevent you from distributing your creations running TRP, and also not prevent you from setting any inworld next owner permisions on them.
4. Inworld locations
The TRP is in active development. The updates are free but require you to be near inworld update servers. One update server is installed in JFS main store, but since the location changes from time to time, a blog was created for listing actual server locations.
JFS store list:
Note: The update is just a redeliver of the actual product package.
5. Enpacking
The easiest way to unpack the product box is to use the box itself, if you do so you'll not have to care about the product box left in the world. So, please look for a place where you can rez stuff and that allows scripts to run. Best choice is your own home or a sandbox.
Now rezz the product box. A menu will pop down. In the menu hit please the 'Open' button. The button 'Update' you'll need to take an update from the update orb and the button 'Remove' will remove the box from the world what is too early at this step.
After a folder is given to you (accept it please) another menu appears. Here you can hit the 'Remove' button. This will destroy the rezzed box. If you ignore this (or the prevous) menu, you can touch the product box again to make it open the first menu where you can use the 'Remove' buton, too. If you don't do so, after 15 minutes a message will remind you about forgoten box and if you stil not react, the box will delete itself after further 15 minutes.
So, if you did everything right, a folder will be in your inventory with content of the product box. Please do not remove the product box from your inventory, it is a good backup and also a way to request product updates.
6. Release notes
* v1.0 (October 2010)
- Initial release
Much fun wishes
Your JFS shop
- Interpreter for easy to learn language
- Enhanced support for RLV access
- Interaction with avatar and device
- Extensible system architecture
- Detailed documentation as .pdf file