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Thought Bubble Version 3.4

Thought Bubble

Too shy to say what you think to that special someone? Or don't know how to be tactful when you friend asks about their new outfit?

Don't worry. Help is here. Make your real thoughts known with the Thought Bubble tool.

Type what you really think in thoughts that appear above your head while saying in normal chat what your companion wants to hear.


The Thought Bubble is a small mostly-transparent sphere that you attach to your chin so that it is positioned just above your head. You can reposition it if you need to.

Type your thoughts to channel 22. This means that you type into local chat /22 and a space and then text or commands. I chose 22 as the double-quote character " for speech is on the 2 key.

For example, someone is going on an on about their day at work. You might type in open chat "that's really interesting" whilst you might be thinking "Oh, this is so boring. Enough already."

To display these thoughts, you'd type:

/22 Oh, this is so boring. Enough already.

Whatever you type is nicely line-wrapped for you and is displayed above some thought bubbles and fade out after a few seconds.

To remove your thought bubble without waiting for them to fade out, type:

/22 off


You can change the colour of your thoughts, which are initially displayed in white.

The available colours are red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, pink, white and black.

Change the colour of your next thought by just typing:


A colour menu will appear - Click the colour name you want. The next text you type to channel /22 will be displayed in that colour.


You can also set the thought colour and thought text in one go. To do this, write a dot, the colour name and then the though text.

For example, if you wanted people to know that you were thinking "I fancy a donut" in pink, you'd type:

/22 .pink I fancy a donut.

(If the first word in a command starts with a dot, it's considered a colour, whether or not recognised, and isn't displayed in your thought bubble.)


/22 cols or /22 c ~ lists the available colours.

/22 status or /22 s ~ lists the current status (settings).

/22 version or /22 v ~ display the author and version.

/22 notecard or /22 n - get this information in a notecard.

/22 help or /22 h ~ displays the available commands.


  • Simple
  • Easy
  • Colourful
  • Funny
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full star full star full star full star empty star Posted May 01, 2012 by SciurusVulgarisArcanum

Easy to use

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