G General

TiMoHabitat_FallenTree Moss / Snow

TiMoHabitat_FallenTree  Moss / Snow

After long consideration I have decided to close my shop and ingame store.
The products will remain on the marketplace.
However, the products will not be updated nor new ones added.
Thank you very much for your support, advice, inspiration and many kind words during the last 12 years.
Have a great time in SL
TiMo Habitat (2007-2020)
- Pictures were made with SL default Windlight-Midday

- Materials (Normalmap/Specularmap)-> Advanced Lighting must be activate
looks also nice with "normal Grafic-Settings"
- Physic -> walkable -->the height must be at least 0.5m

Note: LI will change while modifying
Ground mossy+heuchera/fern 1.4 LI (ca.4.9mx5m)
ground snow+heuchera/fern
tree 1.2 LI (ca.3mx1m)
!!not linked- than LI will increase up to 3 LI !!!

Have fun and enjoy building

If you have any question or suggestion feel free to contact LadyMia McMillan
Date:oct 2015

a label of:Moe McAlpine & thinkangel McAlpine
© Photos and textures made by MoeMcAlpine/thinkangel McAlpine:
They are part of the product within SL
(please note the Linden-Permission)
No further permission are granted

  • Own photos and textures
  • Materials and Physic
  • LOD optimized
  • modify, copy