Speak your fantasy language in public chat, who wears a 'same language' translator is able to read your original message.
Roock Stoop's Creations
_ High quality with low lag script _
Now with built-in group-only dialect as a 2nd default language (see vers. history below)
Translator set it-self to the group you have active at SL login or when you wear it,
so you can have up to 25 different dialects as the number of the groups you have.
Enhance your role-playing game!
Simply wear this invisible attachment and activate its gestures, those with the 'same language' babbler translator will be able to understand you.
Excellent for many GDR / RPG and also for private conversation without using IM.
The babbler uses a unique vocabulary "gods inspired" with an appropriate set of words.
You can say (by digiting "/aa"), shout (by digiting "/ss"), whisper (by digiting "/ww"), speack in 'group dialect' (by digiting "/dd")or use the apposite OOC channel.
- what you type - /di can you hear me?
- what appears in public chat - :: Roock Stoop ~ divine :: 'asen divy godh?
- what same translator users read - :: Roock Stoop :: can you hear me?
- what you type - /dis yes i can
- what appears in public chat - :: Roock Stoop ~ divine :: DIVDEUS DE
- what same translator users read - :: Roock Stoop shout :: YES I CAN
Automatic check and free updates.
Link to all translator's page
Versions history
3.0 PLUS (Completely revisited)
add Dialect
reduced prims and scripts from 2 to 1 (all in one), channels from 4 to 2
introduced dynamic channels for each user and each language
uniformated commands for all languages: /aa (say), /dd (dialect), /ss (shout), /ww (whisper), /99 (ooc).
add Whisper
1.2 - add OOC speaking, update to Mono