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Trill Spots - FULL PERM

Trill Spots - FULL PERM

This is a simple full perm version of my Trill Spots that you can use to apply to your mesh avatar. This product is mainly meant for personal use, however, you may modify it however you wish and resell it. You may NOT resell this product AS IS. You MUST modify it in some way before you can resell it as your own.

This product is not the best quality but I made it for my personal avatar because I felt that there was not enough of a variety of this type of product available.

  • Trill Spots Textures
  • Trill Spots Tattoo Layer
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textures full perm tat is not
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted November 11, 2023 by Chase Winchester

textures full perm tat is not

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