Turquoise Sterling Silver Men's Ring v.02 from Burnstein Azalee Jewelry
*18-karat gold & Turquoise [brilliant cut]
* genuine design, original mesh & textures
* without blinking, low lag
* handmade jewelry
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IM Chrysalida Burnstein if you want to personalize your gift, for 10% of price, with special message/notecard, in beautiful box.
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In the thirteenth century, turquoise was named in the mistaken belief that it came from Turkey.
In fact, turquoise came in Europe through Turkey, but its origin was Persia, where it has been mined for thousands of years.
Turquoise is one of the oldest known gem materials. The Egyptians were mining turquoise in the Sinai as early as 5,500 BC.
The blue color of turquoise was thought to have powerful metaphysical properties by many ancient cultures.
In ancient Mexico, turquoise was reserved for the gods and could not be worn by mere mortals.
In Asia, turquoise was considered as effective protection against the evil eye.
In Tibet even today, turquoise is by far the most popular of all materials used for personal adornment, and still play an important part in religious ceremonies.
In the United States South West, the Apache believed that turquoise helped warriors and hunters to aim accurately. The Zuni believed that it protected them from demons. Another belief was that turquoise had the power to protect the wearer from injury from falling, especially falling from horse-back, and that it made the horse more sure footed. Many tribes considered turquoise to be a stone of the sky, and wearing items of turquoise jewelry provided protection, good health and long life. Other tribes viewed it as the stone of water and believed it was formed when the creator shed tears onto the earth. The beauty of the stone would lead to the creation of American Indian turquoise jewelry, which is still cherished by millions of people.
Throughout it’s long history and even today, people have believed turquoise to harbor mystical powers. Turquoise metaphysical properties include the power to help clear the mind for meditation as well as the ability open one’s mind to the wonders of the universe.
Aside from the many spiritual aspects, the metaphysical properties of turquoise also promote healing. According to some sources, 15th century physicians used to prescribe turquoise to sick patients. Others believed turquoise could absorb disease by drawing it from the body into the stone.
Today, turquoise myths continue to stand the test of time. Collectors seek out the stone from all over the world in hopes of channeling the perceived mystical powers and strong spiritual energy. It remains one of the most historically important gemstones on the planet.
It remains one of the most sought-after stones for healing. Indeed, turquoise symbolism has stood the test of time and will continue to captivate civilizations for years to come.
Turquoise was also thought to promote prosperity and is, alternating with zircon, the birthstone for December.
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