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Universal Drive Poses

Universal Drive Poses

Universal Drive Poses

I designed the driving poses with the end use in mind. They will fit a large number of car projects in second life. Notice I said they 'will fit "a large number of car builds" 'not all. If it is an extremely low car ( F80 Ferrari , something similar) probably. I designed the poses to fit "most" not "all" , that is impossible. They certainly will fit many car builds, that is why I called them Universal.

1. the Drive Pose has the driver looking straight ahead.

2. the Idle Pose the driver "looks" slightly to the window side.

3. the Reverse Pose the driver turns and looks back

4. the Park Pose the driver relaxes and looks at the passenger

5. the Right Pose the driver turns Right and "looks" Right

6. the Left Poses the driver turns Left and "looks" Left

The front seat Passenger

there are six passenger poses the correspond to the six driver poses

Especially if you have a convertible ,or some open car it is quite
spectacular to see the driving the car and steering and moving around. I made the Idle poses so the avatars "look" to the side when the car is stopped and idling. You can pull up and talk to someone , pick up a date. It beats having the driver "frozen" in place , staring straight ahead.

poses are Copy and Transfer

they are for your "finished builds" only , not to be given away by themselves

  • six Driver poses
  • six Passenger Poses
  • fits many car builds in second life
  • poses are "copy" and "transfer"
  • poses are category four