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VistasCube 1 Original

VistasCube 1 Original

The VistasCube is a 4-sided skybox that gives you beautiful nature/city scenes on the inside walls, encapsulating you within a useful and beautiful environment for hanging out, hosting gatherings, workshop, or a place for your home. Can be resized to accommodate placing your house within the VistasCube so you can live higher up where the lag is less, and still have a world of nature outside your windows. Only 6 prims and easy on sim resources. Come to Glass Vistas store to see a VistasCube around the store itself for a good idea of what a VistasCube offers.

Package includes both 30x30 and 60x60 versions

  • A wrap around skybox with scenic walls
  • Ground/Sky change to approximate nature scene
  • Just 6 prims
  • Triple navigation: touch, chat, menu
  • Nature & City scenes