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~WM~ "Free Soup", Fae Edition Teleporter/Trap with Tree Stump, Fairy Lights, Dandelion Lights, Mushrooms

~WM~ "Free Soup", Fae Edition Teleporter/Trap with Tree Stump, Fairy Lights, Dandelion Lights, Mushrooms
~WM~ "Free Soup", Fae Edition Teleporter/Trap with Tree Stump, Fairy Lights, Dandelion Lights, Mushrooms
0 Reviews

Copy/modify mesh build includes everything shown! Tree stump, sign, fairy sparkles, fantasy dandelion lights-- everything!

And includes two versions! Just 11LI each, and 3.2m tall.

The non-teleporter version includes 2 bathing animations, and it's just fun to have around, even if you don't need a teleporter.

The teleporter version is set up to be a surprise. Sure, it's pretty obvious that it's a trick of the fae, but it's not an obvious teleporter, and it's only one way-- there isn't a partnered teleporter for returning to the original location, unless you are nice enough to create one for your victi-- uh, visitors.

You'll need some basic build/modify skills to make the most of this item, so here are the setup instructions, to make sure the surprises are fun ones for your visitors, and not frustrating ones for you:

There are 2 versions included with this package. BOTH versions have an ambient sound loop feature, with touch on/off. To turn sound on/off, right click the stump, then select "touch" from the menu.

The version labeled (Pose) is *NOT* a teleporter. That one has fun bathing animations!

For the teleporter, you want the other version. Rez it where you wish to set up the teleporter, then bump it with your avatar to get the owner's menu.

Choose "Rez" from the menu to rez the teleporter. The teleporter disc will be transparent when it rezzes. You can select/edit it while it is transparent, but if you need to see it, you can bump the base with your avatar again and choose "Show" from the owner's menu. You'll see a small disc covering the top of the stump. Edit object (the disc), go to the contents tab.

You'll notice that the disc contains an animation, sounds, settings notecard, and landmark. You can have a look at the settings notecard if you'd like, so you can see which options you might customize. There are a few options you can change and customize, if you wish and have basic building skills. If you want to add hover text or change the text message given during teleport, now is the time to do it.

But the only change that is *required* is the landmark. So, delete the landmark from object contents and replace it with your own. This is where avatars will land after "trying the soup". It will only work within the same sim; landmarks to other regions will send avatars to the designated coordinates within the same region containing the teleporter.

If the object switches to transparent again after adding your landmark, *that's ok*! It's supposed to do that. You're almost finished.. Take the disc into your inventory.

Now edit the teleporter base, and go to the contents tab. Delete the "Try the soup!" object from the contents, and then add the new modified version you just took into inventory (the one containing your own landmark).

Bump into the stump again, choose "rez" to rez the new teleporter disc.

And that's it! You're all set to send unsuspecting visitors to.. ok, maybe they suspected just a little. It's clearly bait left by the fae folk, after all.

  • Copy/Modify!
  • Mesh!
  • Easy Setup!
  • 2 Versions Included!
  • Just 11LI!

L$ 400

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Wardrobe Malfunction
Wardrobe Malfunction
Sold by: VenusVesuvius

Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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0 Reviews
  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: Partial Mesh
Land Impact: 11