Walnut is a grey squirrel, and like all the grey squirrels he is cute, cheeky, curious and he LOVES NUTS.
So when he drops his acorn while looking around, perched on your shoulder, he quickly grabs it back before somebody else steals it.
Walnut is worn on the left shoulder by default. He is made with sculpties and texturized with modified pics of real red squirrels.
His eyes blink randomly and he makes seven different squirrel sounds on touch, each coming with the matching chat text.
You can rename him by merely changing his name from "Walnut the shoulder Squirrel..." to the name you chose so that his new name appears in chat when he makes noises.
You can also rename him by changing the hover text above his head from "Walnut" to the name you chose. To do that, right click on Walnut, and choose "Edit". Then tick "modify linked parts" and click on Walnut' head to select only his head. Then go to "Contents" in the edit window and double left click on the script "Hovering Text Script". The instructions to change his name are written at the beginning in red.
If you have a problem with something, don't hesitate to IM Myrtil Igaly.
Four versions of Walnut are in the pack :
- Summer : the simple shoulder squirrel
- Winter : Walnut wears a cap, goggles and a scarf to keep warm during the cold days of winter
- Summer animated : simple squirrel but animated with "Linked Prim Animator Lite 1.07". Walnut looks around, to the right, to the left, up and down, and while he is distracted, he drops his acorn and then notices it and quickly grabs it back
- Winter animated : Walnut in his winter clothes but animated.
Walnut is modifiable, so you can resize him, recolour him, etc.. The scripts inside aren't modifiable except the hovering text one.
Don't forget to make a backup copy before modifying him!!!
Copy/No Modify/No Transfer
13 prims (Summer version)
28 prims (Winter version)
250 L$
If you would prefer different permissions (no copy/trans instead of copy/no trans), IM Myrtil Igaly.
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