Werewolf Avatar
av from traum with 100% sculpted prims with shadow baked textures.
a spezial animation hud
sits,walk, run, jump, fly, falling, fighting animations,
all in combination with sound and a DCS2 system.
WEAPON touch the weapon button in HUD and fight everytime with your av with animation in combination.
hold the left mouse button + W,A,S,D,E or Arrow Keys
Hoofs 2 pairs
With Walksound
Without Walksound
this animations comes from TRAUM.
if you have any questions pls feel free and let me know it
if im online <<< pls IM or NOTE
if im offline pls NOTE. (the IM goes many time lost)
Renn Yifu
and what your dream
- mod and copy
- dcs2 fight set
- full hud with custom ao
- flexi furr
Finally. A intimidate looking werewolf AV. The best I've found to date, the pictures do it's justice, it's really a badass AV.
It' doesn't look cuddly and it was done just how it's sposed to be, the feral look helps a lot on my werewolf RP, considering all other AV's I've come across in SL were just too fluffy, not enough realist, to RP properly.
It comes with a good AO which is a big plus since it's hard to find AO's that fit werewolves in SL, along with scripted claws for metered combat. The only critic I have is that I think, the eyes are too far apart from the rest of the muzzle, something that isn't much of a trouble, since it's a mod AV.
Seriously, buy this.
Sick. This guy is just sick. How can you charge this price for this? Its worth WAYYYY MORE! The hud alone could justify the price on this one. This is my third avi from this creator, and I have never been disappointed. YOU SHOULD BUY THIS, or maybe not. I kinda like having the wickedest looking and sounding werewolf avi while the rest of you run around cute and cuddly.