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Wingsong Bike Blimp Box

Wingsong Bike Blimp Box

The Wingsong Bike Blimp WEAR is one more fun way to get yourself around the grid.

As an attachment it goes anywhere you go and it does not support passengers. To use your Wingsong Bike Blimp WEAR, turn off any other Animation Overrides you might be wearing. Animation Overrides are notoriously competitive and will arm wrestle one another if you wear more than one. Go to your inventory and ADD your blimp. When finished, DETACH.

Simple in design, it is rich in detailed features that enhances your enjoyment:

1 - Touch the seat to ring an old fashioned bicycle bell.

2 - You can hear the faint sound of your chain spinning as you pedal.

3 - Your bike floats on water, though your legs won't pedal - you'll glide along the surface of all natural water.

4 - For your late night bike riding, we've installed a fully functional headlight with a beam. Click in the space just in front of your headlight to toggle your light on and off.

5 - Adjustable using the EDIT menu to fit virtually any avatar with knee caps (tinies will appear distorted).

For maximum enjoyment, we're including two FREE bonuses:

1 - We're including a FREE Wingsong Navigation HUD, which will allow you to fly more slowly/realistically. Unbox your HUD separately, and read the enclosed Wingsong Navigation HUD info sheet to get the most benefit of your HUD. Using your navigation HUD you can easily choose your own speed from REALLY slow to REALLY fast, and everything in between, and then set it on cruise control to free up your fingers!

I discourage you from going more than 15 until you get a feel for it - you could easily lose your prim hair and your breakfast.

I'm teasing about the prim hair. Not so much about your breakfast.

I usually go at a setting of 2. But I'm a little old lady whose idea of excitement is the annual snail races. Plus I don't want to mess up my do.

2 - We're also including a FREE Wingsong Flight Enhancer HUD, which allows you to travel upwards to over 4K meters.

AND - everything in this package is COPY/MOD, so make all the copies you want and recolor, redecorate, resize, retexture, reDO to make it fit YOUR specs! I'm even throwing in a FREE Wingsong Modify Box, a simple, easy to use tutorial for folks with little experience in the EDIT tool.

Can you believe - this much fun for so little moolah????

For questions or a live demonstration of this or any of our fine/fun Wingsong products, IM Kit Ciaco!

See item in Second Life