I've been working on a good pair of digilegs for literally three years. I love furries and sometimes I just love to get into my furry little self and hit the road.
I don't make complete furry avatars because I'm clueless on how to make good prim hair, and you just cannot be a respectable furry without good prim hair. But sometimes I like roaming around with my normal self intact except for wearing digilegs. Up until now I've always had to borrow some else's digilegs.
Naturally, I wanted to share my good fortune with you.
We make four of these, each pair sold separately, and all of them including the FREE Wingsong Foot Alpha Layer BOOT:
Claw With Tufts
Claw Without Tufts
Hoof With Tufts
Hoof Without Tufts
1 - ADD your Wingsong Digilegs and Wingsong Foot Alpha Layer BOOT.
2 - Although they are COPY/MOD, we made a convenient onboard color changer. Click on each one to call up an onboard menu of 88 colors.
3 - On digilegs with tufts, the tufts are flexied for added animation.
Questions, comments, or a live demonstration of any of our fine/fun Wingsong products, IM Kit Ciaco!
Don't be misled by the low cost of our items. We can afford to do this because we create excellent items and provide excellent customer service and support, and we sell ALOT of doodads.
See item in Second Life