G General

Habitat / Container / Living Space / Sky box modular

Habitat / Container / Living Space / Sky box  modular

Container as a module to build complex systems that can be connected via tunnels or stacked on top of each other. There are hatches in the floor and in the roof, which you can take out and then get a direct connection.

Residential container module (23 LI, 12.5 x 6 m)
Tunnel to connect (3 LI)
Teleporter ( 1 LI, mod, copy) adjusts itself automatically, very easy teleporting

The modules, doors, tunnels and teleporters are all copy and modify. So you can put together personally customized systems.

The labels are all changeable with your own textures. Altogether there are 8 different surfaces to be textured, which do not hang together with the container texture. Laboratory, U-35, Nachschub as Example are now on these surfaces.

All parts have diffuse, normal and specular maps. *
* You need Advanced Lightning enabled in the viewer to see the textures completely

See item in Second Life
  • good looking
  • Material
  • SCI