See video link below.
Versatile system to create lighting set-ups.
This product differs from regular ZimberLab products as it was not only made for builders, but also with photographers, home and garden decorating residents, roleplay scene creators etc in mind.
Land Impact : 1 per light.
NEW with v2!
- Streamed Focus : Ability for Projectors to continuous, in real time, follow an avatar's movement. Like stage spotlights following a performer.
- Separated speed buttons for axis movement and rotations.
- Undo option for movements (including Call).
- Object Beacon renaming upon touch.
- Several user-friendly improvements and bug fixes.
- Illuminate your world by setting up lights in your house, garden, donjon..
- Let your avatar shine, surround it with lights and colors
- Create different moods of lighting, group them into scenes and bring the one you like to your current location
- Have projectors automatic focusing on your model
- Move, rotate the model, change location, and let your light set-up move along
- Change easily between different models, both avatars and objects
- Place lights inside your creations
- Finalize your set-ups, add switches and link all to your build
- Send light settings to different lights shapes. Create and use your own shapes.
- Control up to 15 lights per session
- Change all settings directly from the HUD
- Utilize the touchpad to move and rotate your lights
- Work on as many projects as you like by grouping lights into scenes and disconnect/reconnect them to the HUD
- Save custom presets, colors and textures. Organize all into sets
- Includes a comprehensive User Guide and Built-in HUD Help in a per button manner
- Focus Mode : Automatic Projector aim at the Parent Beacon
- Beacon : Central working point, an avatar or object
- Parent : The specific Beacon a light is using
- Call : Moving lights to a Beacon's location
- Anchor : Store lights' relative distances to a Beacon
- Scene : Grouping lights under a common name
- Disconnect : Temporary remove lights from the HUD
- Finalize : Make lights independent, operated by switch
- Drop : Use specific shapes as Finalized lights
- HUD : Copy
- Lights and Dropshapes : Full permissions
- Scripts inside Finalized lights, Drop and Switch script : Copy + Transfer
- You are allowed to create light set-ups and distribute them without restrictions
- You are not allowed to distribute the light and dropshape objects as they are.
They must be part of a creation or light rig.
© Copyright 2024, Doctor Zimberman, ZimberLab. All rights reserved.
View Video »- Complete light control by HUD
- Automatic focus on Avatars or Objects
- Save and organize custom presets, colors, textures
- Group, disconnect and reconnect lights from HUD
- Finalize and use in builds, operated by switch