G General

cYo Avocado, mesh, materials, textures

cYo Avocado, mesh, materials, textures

Realistic high quality mesh with good LOD.

The product contains:
- 1 mesh
- 4 textures
- 2 materials: normal map and specular map

Land Impact = 0.5


License Agreement/Terms of Use

By buying this product, you will purchased the legal right to use this product in accordance with the terms of this agreement. You may use the mesh and psd file to make your own creations that exist within the virtual world of Second Life(R), and you may sell or give away your own creations within the virtual world of Second Life (R).

You may NOT sell or give away your creations with full permissions, or copy/transfer permissions. Permissions must be restricted to (1) copy only (2) transfer only (3) copy/modify, or (4) transfer/modify.

You may NOT resell, redistribute or publish the mesh or psd file in any form. You may not transfer the mesh or psd file to any other virtual world, website, torrent, or to any other 3rd party individual or entity.

© Madeliefste Oh, all right reserved.

See item in Second Life
  • High quality mesh, original creation by cYo
  • Don't get problems with IP rights, cYo provides you a legal license
  • Website: www.createyourown.biz