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[iK01] Snapback Cap - iK01 Logo

[iK01] Snapback Cap - iK01 Logo

Snapback cap with specular* shiny iK01 logo design.


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* You must have Advanced Lighting turned ON, to be able to view this item in full! As it uses Specular reflective lighting as part of the design.

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Cool Cap!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 01, 2016 by zerodarkeleven

I liked the demo cap so much with all the detail and design that shows up when light catches it at an angle that I bought two more (red Tribal Fox and green Tribal Turtle). I got one for my brother in his favorite purple color and he loves it! The defaults are fine (you get two hats: one hat visor forward and one backward) for most so its trouble free but if you are a fashionista you could easily tweak and edit the size and placement.

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