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[imult] by .:::NamenLos:::. Food Storage System Mobile AddOn Version V1.2

[imult] by .:::NamenLos:::. Food Storage System Mobile AddOn

You asked for it - here it is:

The AddOn to the .:::NamenLos:::. DFS Food Storage and Rezzer System that makes dining and snacking your DFS food during work hours even easier!

Let your food be delivered wherever you are, sim wide - without a placemat. Right above your head, just like a wizard straight out of Hogwarts!

Maybe you have encountered this situation, too: you are sitting in a field, tending... or laying under a water pump, or brushing a cow - and suddenly, in the middle of the half-finished job, you run out of food.
Instead of getting up from work, going to the nearest placemat, sitting down, eating, having a smoke and then returning to work, you now can have your snack delivered right to where you are!

This AddOn requires a installed and working Food Storage and Server System (V1.2 and newer). If you have an older fridge, grab a free redelivery to upgrade to the newest version before installing the AddOn.

This Mobile Pack gives you an extra level of control about who is able to consume your food: independent from the access settings of the fridge, you now specify avatars by managing an allowed-list. The settings of your placemats are not affected and remain as they were.

Come and drop us a visit at our farm or mainstore, so you can see the system in action: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Madeira/168/140/1503

See item in Second Life
  • Additional free HUDs available
  • Requires installed and working .:::NamenLos:::. Food Storage and Rezzer System
  • Works with fridges from v1.2 on
  • Rez your food items wherever you are, sim wide
  • No placemats necessary!