──── ・NOTICE・ ────
This is a mod kit, not a full avatar! Please read below for what you need.
This mod uses "Fluff 2" in the Katy Cat HUD. If you use "Fluff 1" it will not work correctly.
──── ・MOD KIT INCLUDES・ ────
• BoM skins for M/F.
-- Variety of body type skin shading. Slim, chubby, muscular, etc.
-- Larger and smaller breast shading options.
• BoM head for August Katy Cat.
-- Also has BoM mouth and eyebrows.
-- Lots of cosmetic tattoos for flesh colours.
• Bento cat tail.
• Textures for MOR Kitsune Tail, MOR Rabbit Tail, Anima Fabled Fox Tail, and a generic square tail texture.
• Instructions.
──── ・LINKS・ ────
• KATY HEAD: (required)
-- https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AUGUST-Katy-cat-bento-head/24347387
-- Female: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Apricot-Paws-Feety-Peets-Female/14288379
-- Male: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Apricot-Paws-Feety-Peets-Male/14862698
• MOR KITSUNE TAIL: (optional)
-- https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MOR-kitsune-set-bentoanimesh/13377318
• MOR RABBIT TAIL: (optional)
-- https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MOR-bento-rabbit-parts/11807043
-- https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ANIMA-Fabled-Fox-Head/23915952
• HAPPY PAW SHORT TAIL: (optional)
-- https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Happy-Paw-Short-tail-bentoanimesh/17184771
──── ・BLOGGER CREDIT・ ────
• https://twitter.com/PrimeCatboy/status/1610108552483377152
- BoM skins for M/F. Variety of body type skin shading. Slim, chubby, muscular etc
- BoM head for August Katy Cat.
- Bento cat tail.
- Textures for MOR Kitsune Tail, Anima Fabled Fox Tail, and generic square tail.
- Instructions.
.{w}. Simple Cat : Purple Review by Lia Lupindo
This was a bit tricky to figure out, but once I got it it looks fantastic. I think it looks so adorable with the August Cat head, and it works great with the Maitreya Lara X body.
Beautiful Mod!
It's a cat.... it's purple... it's by Cake... of course it's amazing and gorgeous detail as per usual. No excuse needed to buy it... or another... and another...