This Store
Little Sunshine - Kids Decor Store
Sold by: Megsunshine
Joined: November 10, 2012

✿ Welcome to Little Sunshine Store ✿

The Briefing : The Little Sunshine was created at 2012 by chance, because I enjoy building stuff in Second Life..I do not consider myself a professional SL since I'm not expert in build and design ...But I love create and build stuff in SL.
The design is simple, good quality , low impact in land and affordable price . Customer satisfaction and service quality is our top priority.

The Target Consumer : People searching for decor items to your own use.
Professionals in building, Creators and Merchants are NOT our target consumer group.

Thank you for choosing my creation! ㋡.


1 - Purchases are considered final and no refunds are issued.

2- Product replacement can be arranged for delivery failure.

3- Any unlawful duplication, receipt or distribution of any item from our store is a violation of the Second Life Terms of Service.

4 - It is not allowed to resell any of our products in any way.

5 - All items are sold exclusively for use in the Second Life.

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