This Store
::PCF:: Project Crystal's Fashion
::PCF:: Project Crystal's Fashion
Sold by: CristRuben
Joined: January 05, 2011

For clothing lovers and Fullperm mesh, we are pleased to introduce to you :: PCF :: Store!

The Crystal Fashion Project is a women's and men's and Fullperm mesh store that wants to offer you the best style to wear directly.

":: PCF :: the best style for you to wear!"


**Our clothes are copyable, non-transferable and non-modifiable.
**Our products Fullperms are 100% original, when buying carefully read the notecard with the terms of use.
**If your product does not receive the 24-hour waiting period, if it is not sent to contact the shop owner or your manager:
Owner: Cristruben
Mananger: Mystmysterius

Enjoy our beautiful clothes and have fun!

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