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Welcome to mine Second Life Marketplace Amigo U.F.O. Creations Shop. :-)
In UFO - Fuel Station in Route 12A. Is a general store i try to made all kind of toys, home stuffs, furnitures, tools, U.F.Os, cute funny planes, vehicles, SL games, electronic devices, home appliances, everytthing... New Special Advent Calendar 2020 - 2021 from day 1 Dec to 1 Jan, Freebies Shop, Lucky Dip Santa Gifts Bag, Midnight Mania Boards and chairs, Gifts Boards, Vault, Christmas Hunt 2020, Christmas Hunt Game, UFO Abduction Camping Beam, Christmas Candys Free Giver, Gifts Stay Home Save Lives, Free Group !ALL FREE Thirst join with all free help in RoBOT, Arcades playable Area, Many Free foods, drinks, etc. Click in everything there all is interactive to click and sit in. You can dance, talks with friends. ride cars, bikes, trucks, UFOs, Balloons, Helicopters, etc with your friends there in a big Second Life routes.
InWorld Teleport: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rebel%20Path/100/107/3638
Marketplace Shop: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/137519
Site: http://all-free-in-second-life.ihostfull.com- Règlements
The customer is always right! Thank you. :-)