This Store
Mina's Yardsale
Mina's Yardsale
Sold by: MinaBloodlust
Joined: April 07, 2012

(DISCLAIMER: I don't own any copyrights to any of the items listed nor did I create them.)

Hello there, welcome to my store.

I sell no copy, transfer items that I no longer use nor have a use for. My lost is your gain!! Prices are negotiable and I'll answer any questions that you have.

All information is written in the product descriptions, please do read it carefully. It'll tell you if it's for the classic avatar or a mesh avatar and which body it is meant for.

I will answer all questions as well as I possibly can.


I can only refund items that are returned to me and only in the amounts that I had received after the marketplace fees. Please make sure to read any details about the item before you purchase it!

I don't own any copyrights to any of the products and nor did I create them. They are no copy, transfer items that I no longer use.

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