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Kara's Kreations and Fae's Rares & Spares Gacha Resale
Vendido por: Karafae Starchild
Te has unido: March 23, 2009

Kara's Kreations original designs, beautiful designs for your home and garden.
Fae's Rares & Spares Gacha Resale, an eclectic mix of furniture, decor, clothing, art etc.


Many of Kara's Kreations designs are copy modify and no transfer. All of the Fae's Rares & Spares Gacha resale items are no copy transfer items. I am able to resend replace the Copy modify items but I am not the designer of the gacha resale items and can not offer a replacement for those. Please make sure that you check the permissions of the items that you want to purchase. Please be inworld.

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