- Profile
We create the finest tech solutions for real class-experiences inside Secondlife.
VR-TECH cutting-edge offerings continue to advance market standards and exceed client expectations.
Founders: Puzzlemagnet & Gordon PetrovicAll enquiries and support should be directed to Puzzlemagnet or Gordon Petrovic via NOTECARD in-world as IM's get capped. Alternatively you can send an email to vr-tech@hotmail.com
We are a passionate team innovating the extraordinary with a commitment to excellence
We embrace every challenge as an opportunity to engage and inspire our creative culture
Together, there isn’t a problem we can’t solve© Copyright VR-TECH, Virtual HI-TECH quality products for Second life - All Rights Reserved.
- Policies
Please read carefully the items description. For any questions before buying contact Puzzlemagnet or Gordon Petrovic
Refunds are not possible on copy products.
VR-TECH items come with life-time free updates.
VR-TECH customers are granted life-time technical support on their products.
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