- Perfil
Simplicity, the ultimate sophistication.
We specialize in simple products to improve your Second Life. Our team works hard to make it easy for you to live your Second Life to the fullest.
—Need Support?—
Contact "Kiki CC-Blackwood (kikicc)" or "Angela Katt (jc.sandial)"
- If there is a Demo please try it first.
—Privacy Policy—
Our products do not collect any information. Any information we receive through the SecondLife Market Place will not be shared for any reason.
- Políticas
Re-delivery & Refund
- Refunds may be granted for duplicate purchases of No Transfer items
- Transferable items must be returned for a refund
- No refunds for items after 30 days from 1st purchaseSend a note card to Kiki CC-Blackwood (kikicc) with the following:
-Title Duplicate or Refund and your name
-Transaction Date/Time
-ID Prefix
-Item Purchased