This Store
Thrifty Avatar - moved next door: check LM
Thrifty Avatar - moved next door: check LM
Sold by: StephanieBell
Joined: January 02, 2019

We are a small, seafront gacha yardsale offering the newest lines as well as hard-to-find 'vintage' gatcha pieces. I tend to stock mostly home, cafe and art-related decor items. The store stock is changed regularly. Stop in anytime and say hello.

Please note that I have moved (not far, only next door) so landmarks included with the items may direct you to my old location. Please use the link by the store details in the left margin.


GACHA items include only the one listed in the title: items are no-copy & transfer only.

We are not the creators & unable to redeliver/replace objects lost or broken. As we are unable to refund for problems outside our control we are happy to rezz items in shop for you to view/buy on collection.

Just ask if you want a better price: happy to do so.

Inworld Store

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L$0 – L$102010

L$11 – L$10094511100

L$101 – L$5001109101500

L$501 – L$1,0002065011000

L$1,001 – L$5,00011910015000

Over L$5,001105001


Land Impact:



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