- Perfil
Officine Alipandi Motorcycles: the Second Life tradition of motorcycles.
Motorcycles made by motorcyclists for motorcyclists. This is the mission of Officine Aliprandi, founded by Bruno Canadeo in 2006 with the aim of promoting Bobber, choppers and sports bikes of the 1960s and 1970s (the Cafè Racers). Since 2006 the Officine Aliprandi produces small series of motorcycles dedicated to biking aesthetes.
Bruno Canadeo, who describes his company, Officine Aliprandi Motorcycles, as “the bastard child of the motorcycle industry,” is on the fast track to becoming a pop culture icon in SL!
- Políticas
In SL the 99% of motorcyclists are law-abiding citizens.
* We are the 1% *
Officine Aliprandi Motorcycles
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Officine Aliprandi - MotorCycles por bruno Canadeo

Officine Aliprandi - MotorCycles por bruno Canadeo
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Officine Aliprandi - MotorCycles por bruno Canadeo
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Officine Aliprandi - MotorCycles por bruno Canadeo
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Officine Aliprandi - MotorCycles por bruno Canadeo
0 Reseñas

Officine Aliprandi - MotorCycles por bruno Canadeo
0 Reseñas

Officine Aliprandi - MotorCycles por bruno Canadeo

Officine Aliprandi - MotorCycles por bruno Canadeo

Officine Aliprandi - MotorCycles por bruno Canadeo