Denniz Shinn
Denniz Shinn
Joined: November 09, 2008

*Sculpt Magic*

Sculpt Magic is a Company that manufactures Full Perm Sculpted Prims.

The most articles from Sculpt Magic are Full Perm, you can see this in the Article description, too.

What do I get, if I buying a Full Perm Builder Kit?

That means, you get Full Permission Sculpted Prims as Example, Sculpt Maps and Baked Textures (Shadow Textures).

The newest Sculpt Magic articles have Sculpt Maps inside, which are no mod.
You don't need mod Permissions to resell them, that only needed, to save them on hard disk.
You can still change the size, change textures, rotation, add prims, delete prims, ...

For questions or any help just contact me! :)

©Denniz Shinn & Yoshi Bagley


Do not resale or give away the Original Maps / Prims, only for resale in your own buildings and correct Permissions!

That means, YOU CAN sell it with following Permissions:

-mod, copy, no transfer
-mod, no copy, transfer
-no mod, no copy, transfer
-no mod, copy, no transfer
-no mod, no copy, no transfer

Selling my Sculpted Prims with following Permissions is NOT allowed:

-mod, copy

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