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Cherribee Art and Products by Janis Garayt
Sold by: Janis Miggins
Joined: August 31, 2009

Hi! Welcome to my online store. I have decided to upload all of my older products whilst creating and uploading newer ones. I am also an artist that does digital portraits and illustrative art as well as raw traditional portraits. I own a company in the works that will be aired in 2023 called Cherribee. Please look me up. I am Janis Garayt on social media just about anywhere. You can also watch draw on youtube. Feel free to stop by the gallery/boutique in SL and take look around. MUAH


Under the copyright law any use of my artwork that is reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed as your own and not mine, or made into a derivative work without the permission of myself Janis Garayt, you will be subjected to copyright infringement and I will be forced to contact my lawyer.

Thank you ©JanisGarayt

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