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01. RARE - HAVOC - R

01. RARE - HAVOC - R
01. RARE - HAVOC - R
0 Reseñas

This a full outfit as shown in the product image. The outfit is the rare red outfit and it comes in lots of sizes including Maitreya, Reborn, Erika, GenX,Kupra,Legacy,LaraX, Waifu, Legacy perky and that. Everything comes in the original packaging and hasn't been opened and will need unpacking before use. Since this is a rare gacha set I won't be able to give replacements, refunds or accept returns once this rare gacha set has been sold.

  • Rare gacha Havoc set
  • horns, wings included in the set
  • full outfit that fits loads of mesh bodies
  • Everything comes in the original packaging
  • sizes include Kupra,LaraX,Reborn,GENX,Legacy Perky, Legacy

L$ 480

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(cantidades limitadas disponibles)
Vendido por: shannon09star

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